Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stubborn blood clotted Mule

Getting me to the hospital was kind of difficult; I didn't even want to see a doctor.

The pain throughout the night was unbearable.

Got up and dragged myself to work. I asked for an early leave. Met up my dad for lunch at 12.30pm before heading straight to TTSH A&E(I wanted to head to a polyclinic). After the checkup the doctor asked me to go for a CT Scan. Had a bed and waited before heading to the CT. Did the scan and was sent to RESUS to await the results.

It took about 4 hours from the start of A&E to results. The bed is super uncomfortable but that might just be due to my fat bum.

Got transferred from RESUS to ward 12C bed 97 and my parents bought McDonald's for me! yummy! Munched the fries before gunning the quarter pounder up followed by fruits! Had to take my BP, some swaps of my nostrils, armpits and groin.

Met some of the funniest attachment guy nurses. Nice company!

My ah Yi and Uncle came to visit me at night. They drove from Tampines!

I ran out of battery waiting for my sister. She never came

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